Our Mission
St. Matthew Lutheran Church exists to proclaim the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world and to serve all people in acts of love, mercy, and charity.
the community...
...by providing for those in need.
- The Seven Baskets Kiosk is a focal point for gathering food and needed items for various local charities.
- The monthly giving drive provides financial donations to support various local charities.
- The Outreach Committee hosts congregational visits to local nursing homes throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to interact and support the residents in a relaxed atmosphere.
- The community garden provides produce for those in need.
the reign of God
...through Coffee Break Bible Study
A study in the Scriptures, some coffee, and fellowship are just a few things you will receive at Coffee Break Bible Study. All are invited on Tuesdays from 10:15 am--11:15 am at the St. Matthew Spruce Hall to join this fascinating and fun group.
From 10:45 am--11:45 am each week, the Sunday Morning Bible Study meets for reflection on the Lord's Word and work in this world.
...through Children's Sunday School classes held during the Sunday Morning Bible Study. Age appropriate Catechesis and Bible lesson, Hymnody, Liturgy, and activities help our young members grow in faith
people of all ages...
...through Mens' Fellowship
"Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness." (Titus 2:2, ESV)
"...urge the younger men to be self-controlled." (Titus 2:6b, ESV)
...Men's Breakfast Fellowship Gathers every Monday morning between 7am-8am at Russ' in Grand Haven. Between bites of breakfast, men of all ages support each other through conversation, fellowship, Scripture study, and prayer. For more information, please contact Bob Dingman.
...Men's Bible Study Men gather at St. Matthew once a month in the evening to grow in faith with the teaching of God's Word. Call the church office as dates vary each month.
...Gloria Dei Choir Members over the age of 18 are welcome to join the Gloria Dei Choir, this SATB choir meets on Thursday evening to prepare hymns, and anthems for worship during the Divine Service. Gloria Dei Choir is directed by Joanne Jansen.
...Stitch 'n Prayer Women gather in Spruce Hall to work on prayer shawls as they pray for those in need in the congregation and throughout the community. The prayer shawls are distributed by pastor to those in need of a reminder of God's constant love and care.
...Handbell Choir Members over the age of 18 are welcome to join this group of musicians who make a joyful noise to God during festive church services.
one another...
...through Morning Prayers
"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you..." (Colossians 1:9a, ESV).
Martin Luther said, "I still find it necessary every day to look for time during which I may pray."
The people of St. Matthew seek to love one another by praying for the church, world, and one another during Morning Prayers. This opportunity begins with the reading of Scripture and moves toward specific prayer petitions. Silent prayer is welcomed.
Morning Prayers begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays in Spruce Hall at St. Matthew.
For more information on Morning Prayers, please contact Bill Boice.
...Office of Matins Morning prayer service is Monday- Thursday from 8:30-9:00am in the Sanctuary. Begin your day with the Word and prayer.
...through Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship Gather with us in Cedar Commons following Divine Worship every Sunday. Enjoy coffee, tea, and treats as you visit with your fellow worshipers. Our children join us for treats they enjoy as they visit with friends and visitors.
...through Soup Suppers Wednesdays before Advent and Lenten Services. Join us for a potluck supper. Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m., making it easier for members and their families to have supper before the 7 p.m. evening service.